Author Archive | Emily Larlham

Adding a verbal cue or changing a cue

Adding a verbal cue or changing a cue

by Emily Larlham For me, adding a verbal cue and changing a cue follow the exact same training method as fading a food lure or a target using the “What did you do last?” game as explained in the previous training tip.  You can also add a verbal cue or change a cue by fading […]

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Fading a lure

Fading a lure

by Emily Larlham Fading a lure, or teaching your dog to offer a behavior without having a treat waved in front of his face can seem like a daunting task if you have never done it before.  However, once you have gotten over the first hurdle of your dog’s dependency on the treat lure for […]

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dog training book ebook clicker training tips dogs and puppies

The problem with just ignoring unwanted behaviors

by Emily Larlham You should never ignore behaviors your dog or puppy does that you find “undesirable” if the behaviors are self-reinforcing.  This is because by practicing the behaviors the dog will find them reinforcing and be more likely to continue doing them in the future.  By repetition the “undesired” behavior attains a reinforcement history, […]

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Happy Training!