Did you know there is a why to train dogs without the use of physical or psychological intimidation? I was lucky enough to begin my career over 18 years ago at a shelter that was run with no forms of physical or psychological intimidation used for their behavior and training programs with the shelter dogs as well as the public training classes. Here I was able to learn from sometimes 100 dogs a day ranging from tiny chihuahuas and puppies to huge Great Danes and Rotties with behavioral issues. After a few years of living in this bubble of the shelter world in San Diego, I realized that the rest of the world seemed to not know about this way of training. And our shelter probably wouldn’t have been the way it was if it hadn’t have been for the educational material of marine mammal trainer Ted Turner. I am very grateful for the information I learned on how to train dogs from so many professional dog training conferences and so many professional trainers and veterinary behaviors and also dogs all over the world. It is really like stepping into a world where magic exists. And so for that reason I began this YouTube channel to bring the magic to others.
Here you can find an in depth description of what training without the intentional use of physical or psychological intimidation means:
Here are the list of major dog training organizations where you can find a wealth of information about training without the use of intentional physical or psychological intimidation. There are articles about how to choose trainers as well as directories of trainers who have agreed to follow the guidelines of the different organizations, some even conducting online consultations.
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior
The Pet Professional Guild
The association of Pet Dog Trainers
The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants
Also if you were curious after watching the video, Basically put Ted Turners way of reducing or eliminating aggression is
1- Understand situations when it can usually occur
2 Understand what predicts it
3 Use DRI/DRO?DRL and Desensitization – basically reinforcing an appropriate behavior you want to take the place of the unwanted behavior until it replaces it completely (I do this in a way that the steps are small enough and manipulate the environment with the goal of preventing rehearsal of the behavior completely during the training process, so only the correct behavior is being reinforced).
4 Stop BEFORE it starts. Don’t work through it
5 Keep records
Happy Training!
#dogtraining #onlinedogtraining #professionaldogtraining