Kikopup’s Guide to Clicker Training VOD

$ 39.95



kikopupclickertrainingdvdimageFIXEDwebKikopup’s Guide to Clicker Training  For Beginners and Professionals

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Emily, AKA Kikopup, has compiled in this streamed video what she believes to be the most important exercises, skills and concepts on clicker training that have been the key to her success with training complex tricks and behaviors as seen on her popular youtube channel ‘kikopup’. You will learn how to train behaviors using capturing, free shaping and luring, teach your dog to offer behaviors, use targeting, add a cue, fade a lure, move on to using less reinforcement, and more. This video was made for those new to clicker training, as well as advanced trainers. The material is catered for beginners who do not yet know scientific jargon and those who do not speak English as their first language. Although this video covers the foundations of clicker training skills, it also contains personal insights and tips that are solely from the mind of Emily, as well as more tricky subjects, like fixing a broken behavior and training without the intentional use of ‘no reward markers’. This video focuses only on the skills necessary for training behaviors using a clicker and does not focus on behavior modification or solving behavioral problems . Check out Emily’s website, or other videos produced by Tawzer for information on those topics.
Running Time: 3 hrs 07 mins

Produced by Tawzer Dog LLC
Filmed 2013
Copyright 2013 Tawzer Dog LLC


Topics covered:


Reinforcement to use

Timing and Treat Delivery Skills

Getting Attention (and interrupting behaviors)

Attention Games

When to not use a clicker

Getting Behavior- Capturing, Luring, and Free Shaping

Targeting- touch and target stick

Targeting- nose and foot

Teaching offering


Maintained Behaviors

Release cues

Keep going


Drop it, get it

Planning Training Sessions

Moving on to a Variable Ratio of Reinforcement

Stimulus control and proofing

Creating clarity to messy training

Training without using NRM’s

Happy Training!